Mashable founder Pete Cashmore fight back on Google plus

Friday, July 22, 2011

Mashable founder Pete Cashmore fight back with google plus and they came with the decision that until google will not launch branded accounts on google plus, Mashable account on google plus will have the name as Pete Cashmore and his Picture as Profile picture rather than Mashable logo and name.

Pete said on google plus:

"Hey folks, it's Pete Cashmore, founder at Mashable. Everyone here at Mashable is extremely excited about Google+ and we're very pleased that our community has embraced it so quickly!

We chatted with the Google+ team today about their plans for branded accounts, and we've both agreed that while the Mashable community is very engaged on Google+ and we all have great fun joining discussions here, it would be better for Mashable to wait for branded profiles to launch officially before having a company presence on here.

Mashable will be launching a new business profile and building it up from scratch once business accounts are available.

This account will continue to exist, but going forward it'll have my name and picture, and I'll continue to post here.

What can you expect? A similar mix of tech news, discussions, questions and updates, with a strong focus on Google+ and its place in social networking. Now that it's just me on here, you can also expect a more personal tone, but I'm not planning to bombard you with cat pictures.

Unless cat pictures is what you want, in which case I'm all for it! :)
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